One of the hardest parts of pregnancy for many pregnant women is dealing with Hyperemesis Gravidarum, otherwise known as severe Morning Sickness.
Hyperemesis Gravidarum is an extreme version of Morning Sickness that can last the entire day in the first trimester of pregnancy. It can also last your entire pregnancy as well, but it most commonly occurs in the first trimester and into the second trimester.
According to Medline Plus, "Hyperemesis gravidarum is extreme, persistent nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. It can lead to dehydration, weight loss, and electrolyte imbalances. Morning sickness is mild nausea and vomiting that occurs in early pregnancy."
Research also shows that morning sickness can be caused by pregnancy hormones produced during pregnancy by the placenta called human chorionic gonadotropin, or HCG. This is the same pregnancy hormone that is detected in pregnancy tests.
This was by far the worst part about both of my pregnancies. I was pulled out of work for 4 weeks with my first pregnancy, my daughter.
I tried almost every remedy that existed and found certain products worked better during a certain pregnancy. Unfortunately, due to my severe morning sickness symptoms, I had to seek medical attention twice and receive intravenous fluids (IV) because of my extreme loss of fluids. It didn't matter what time of the day it was; I was nauseous 24/7.
Some of the tips that worked with my daughter, did not work with my son.
If I had a list of things to try with my daughter, I think I would have been able to function better and could have stayed hydrated better.
I have compiled a list below of the 10 best morning sickness remedies for you to try to relieve your nausea.
Note that this post does not contain medical advice. Please make sure to consult a healthcare provider before trying anything during pregnancy. If your symptoms continue to get worse, you should seek medical treatment.
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1. Vitamin B6 Supplements
This gem I found during my second pregnancy, and it was a life saver. Vitamin B6 is known to improve morning sickness and help relieve any nausea you may be feeling. Many prenatal vitamins contain Vitamin B6 so be careful of the dosage if you are still taking your prenatal vitamins. I liked to take this medication in the morning on an empty stomach and then I ate crackers shortly after. If you have trouble taking medication on an empty stomach, the good news is you can take this with food as well.
It is important to check with your physician before selecting a B6 supplement for dosage and type.
2. Ginger Cookies
The ginger root in the real ginger cookies seems to settle the symptoms of morning sickness. You should have them by your bedside and eat them before you get up in the morning. I could eat ginger cookies during my pregnancy with my daughter, but the smell of ginger I thought was repulsive with my son. So, don’t be discouraged if the smell of ginger bothers you. You could also try ginger biscuits as well, but make sure they contain real ginger, or it may not help.
3. Ginger Candies
If the ginger cookies are not helping, you can also try ginger candies. Just suck on one of these little hard candies and they should help with your pregnancy nausea. The best time to suck on ginger candies is when you are experiencing day sickness. You can keep a bag of ginger candies and suck on them when the severe nausea hits you.
4. Saltine Crackers
You can have a box of saltine crackers next to your bed to eat in the morning if you prefer that over ginger cookies. If you eat a cracker before you lift your head off your pillow, it can help with the nausea. This trick also helps with dry toast, Ritz crackers, or any other brand dry crackers if you prefer those. I found the salt on the saltine crackers really helped with my upset stomach. The small amount of food in the morning helped to keep my stomach acid down and did not bother my strong sense of smell.
5. Sea Bands
If you are looking for a morning sickness remedy that you can forget about, you could try a sea band. I have friends who have used the sea bands during morning sickness and swear by them. They are worth a shot if you are willing to try different forms of remedies. The gentle pressure of the band on the P6 acupressure point in your arm can help with the symptoms of nausea.
6. Preggie Pops
These mini lollipops work similar to ginger candies, except they come in a variety of flavors. I had a friend give me a bag of these and I’m glad she did. You can purchase Preggie Pop drops or Preggie Pop lollipops to throw in your bag and bring them with you anywhere you go. Preggie Pops are advertised as being all-natural, drug-free, and doctor recommended. If you are interested in getting a package, you can grab Preggie Pops right off Amazon.
7. Lemon Water or Fruit Infused Water
A simple tip to try is to add fresh lemon to your water. You could try any fruit you’d like to see which one works best for you. I really struggled drinking plain water during my second pregnancy, so adding some flavor made it easier.
If you like the flavor of fruit water, but you do not want the pieces floating in the water, you can look at getting a Fruit Infuser Water Bottle from Amazon.

8. Ginger Tea
Back to the ginger tips, you could try a hot cup of ginger tea. Just be careful not to drink too much in one day because that can be unsafe for your baby. Make sure to look up how much is a safe amount to drink during pregnancy. If you are questioning ginger tea, you can also consult a healthcare professional.
9. Mint
Chewing on mints or mint gum can help with nausea and stomach aches on all sorts of occasions, not just during morning sickness. It is possible that chewing on mints or mint gum could help settle your stomach. If you don't like the idea of chewing on mint, you could try a Peppermint Tea for some nausea relief. This can also help with your fluid intake to make sure you're getting plenty of fluids.
10. Motion Sickness Anti-Nausea Meds
Prescription medications from your doctor for Anti-Nausea meds could help your nausea. These meds can help you keep food and drinks down to prevent dehydration. One thing you want to keep an eye out for is low blood sugar because you are not eating enough. Sometimes anti-nausea meds can help you continue to eat frequent meals by keeping the nausea controlled.
If you are looking for more ideas to help with morning sickness, here are some honorable mentions.
Ginger Ale
Essential Oils
Fruit Juice
Bland Foods / Plain Foods
Spicy Foods
Smaller Meals
Plenty of Rest
Fresh Air
Sports Drinks
Brat Diet (Temporarily)
Ginger Supplements
These are just a few of the remedies for morning sickness I have come across. Each option may not be right for you and do not start any diets that are not approved by your physician.
Hyperemesis Gravidarum can be very dangerous. During my first pregnancy, I was hospitalized on two separate occasions for dehydration and vomiting blood. You need to stay hydrated and consistently eat smaller meals. Make sure to speak to your doctor and go to the hospital if your symptoms worsen.
Many people say that it means you have a healthy pregnancy, and your baby is growing big and strong.
Just remember, Morning sickness will come to an end!
You got this mama!
Did you only deal with morning sickness in the early weeks of pregnancy or throughout your whole pregnancy?
What tips do you have for dealing with morning sickness?
Feel free to share in the comments below!
