Diaper rashes can be very uncomfortable and even painful for your child.
Both of my children would get terrible diaper rashes and sometimes I had no idea why.
They would break out in very large red rashes, and they would spread over their entire diaper area. It can even turn into a yeast infection.
There were times I could tell they were very painful from the blisters and the cries from my baby.
It was so heartbreaking, and I wanted to fix it immediately.
After several doctors’ appointments, we were able to find ways to minimize the number of rashes.
Both of my children have very sensitive skin just like myself, so we had to find out what was not going to hurt their skin.
Here are some of the best diaper rash natural remedies to try at home to prevent diaper rash and clear of new mild rashes.
This list is not from a medical professional. Please make sure to consult your doctor or medical professional before trying any natural remedies. Make sure to take your child to their pediatrician or a medical professional if their diaper rash does not improve or gets worse.
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What is a Diaper Rash?
According to the Mayo Clinic, “Diaper rash is a common form of irritated skin (dermatitis) that looks like patches of inflamed skin on your baby's bottom.”
Anyone can develop a rash on their skin from anything, but a diaper rash is formed on a person’s bottom or genital area and can look like red splotches on the skin.
I have found that my children's diaper rashes have turned into a fungal infection or a yeast diaper rash. It's best to treat the affected area immediately to prevent it from getting worse.
A diaper rash can be mild to severe. If your child has a severe diaper rash or a bacterial infection, seek medical attention to make sure it is not a life-threatening reaction or any other severe medical concern.
What are the Main Causes of Diaper Rash?
There are so many things that can cause a diaper rash and you may not be able to completely avoid it.
My children both had diaper rashes from using any brand of diaper other than Pampers. We found the rashes did not appear as often with Pampers brand. My son even had to be switched to the Pampers Pure wipes because any other wipes were burning his skin.
Another common occurrence we found was the appearance of diaper rashes when my children were cutting new teeth. I have spoken to many parents who noticed this with their children as well. Once the tooth erupts, the diaper rash goes away.
If you use disposable diapers, some wet diapers will cause a rash from the moisture in dirty diapers sitting on the baby’s skin for too long.
If you have recently given your child solid foods or new foods, it could be due to an allergic reaction.
The Mayo Clinic states, “It's often related to wet or infrequently changed diapers, skin sensitivity, and chafing. It usually affects babies, though anyone who wears a diaper regularly can develop the condition.”
What Can You Use to Prevent Diaper Rash?
There are multiple things to try to prevent diaper rash, but they may not all work for you.
1. Switch Diaper Brands
Completely changing the brand of diapers your child is using may help decrease the number of diaper rashes that appear.
Your child could have a sensitivity with one of the materials in that specific type of diaper so a natural diaper brand may work better.
Not all disposable diapers are made the same so shop around and find a new diaper brand that works best for your child.
2. Switch Wipe Brands
There was a wipe brand I received for my baby shower with my daughter that burned her skin. It was painful for her every time the wipe touched her skin.
I tested the wipe on my own skin and found the ingredients made my hand feel like it was burning.
I decided against using that brand again.
I tried multiple different baby wipes brands and found a brand I trusted and that she never cried from again.
It is possible to have a sensitivity to the ingredients in wipes too so test out different brands until you find something your child doesn’t react from.
3. Switch to Cloth Diapers and Wipes
If we could not find a brand of diapers and wipes that my daughter could use, I was going to switch her to cloth.
Cloth diapers do not have the gel inside to absorb urine. In many cases, your child could be allergic to the chemicals in the diaper.
If you want to ditch the disposable wipes, you could use reusable wipes or a soft washcloth as well.
If you’re interested in cloth diapers and wipes, but you don’t want to wash them yourself, check your area for cloth diaper delivery. There are companies who will wash and dry your soiled cloth diapers and wipes and deliver a package of clean ones right to your doorstep.
4. Change Your Baby More Often
It may seem like your child does not go to the bathroom often, but even the smallest amount of moisture can result in a rash.
You also want to make sure you change your child’s diaper immediately when they have a poopy diaper. You may think that’s common knowledge, but sometimes we just don’t know when they go.
My son likes to squat when he goes, so try to watch for cues that show you they went so you can immediately scoop them up and change them into a fresh diaper.
5. Let Them Wear a Diaper Only
When we are home, my son will run around with only a diaper and a shirt on.
Allowing them to go without a tight buttoned onesie or a pair of pants gives their skin room to breathe and prevent skin irritation.
As a bonus, it can make it much easier to potty train because they don’t have pants to worry about or a onesie in the way.
6. Switch Laundry Detergent
Skin conditions can occur in anyone who uses a product they are allergic too. Just like wipes and diapers, your baby may be having a reaction to the laundry detergent you use.
The good news is, you can switch to a detergent with mild soap, or a brand specifically designed for babies.
You may also want to avoid fabric softeners and dryer sheets since those can contain chemicals and irritate skin.
A good alternative to dryer sheets is Dryer Balls because they are reusable and do not contain any chemicals. You can grab a package of Dryer Balls Here on Amazon.
7. Potty Train
I know this is easier said than done, but it will get rid of diaper rash because they will no longer be in diapers.
The only way this works though is if your child is mentally ready to potty train.
You won’t be successful if your child is not mentally ready to go to the potty on their own.
My son is starting to potty train, and he will tell me when he has to go. I still take him and help him with every step, but he can inform me that he needs to go.
If you think your child is ready to potty train, check out my post How We Tackled the 3 Day Potty Training Method. I had my daughter completely out of diapers during the day in 7 days!

What are Some Good Natural Home Remedies for Baby?
1. Warm Water Bath
Start with a nice warm bath for baby. The best way to clean the area is to wash it with warm soapy water. It is best to keep baby's skin clean and free from possible yeast growth.
2. Oatmeal Bath
Surprisingly, oatmeal baths have become a popular way to help keep baby's skin healthy and prevent rashes. Give your baby regular oatmeal baths and you will find it helps with dry skin, eczema, and other skin ailments.
3. Drops of Breast Milk
If you are a breastfeeding mom, feel free to put a few drops of breast milk on the affected area. Breast milk has amazing healing abilities for your baby because your body makes it specifically for them. It can also help prevent the rash from spreading to other areas. Just don't rely only on breast milk and stop if the area gets worse.
4. Witch Hazel
The anti-inflammatory properties of witch hazel has been found to help with diaper rash. Make sure to dilute the witch hazel with equal parts plain water and apply it to your baby's bottom.
5. Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar has anti-inflammatory properties as well and has been known to kill fungal and yeast infections. Apply a small amount to your baby's bum to clear up their rash.
6. Aloe Vera Gel
Recently I applied aloe vera gel to my daughter's sunburn before bed and she woke up the next morning with her sunburn almost completely gone. I had even applied sunscreen consistently all day, but the sun still managed to slightly burn her skin. Aloe vera is also a great alternative to diaper rash creams for babies. It is recommended you wait until baby is at least 3 months of age before using it.
7. Epsom Salt
Epsom Salt can be a great soak for a diaper rash if you mix it with plain water. After soaking the area in Epsom salt, you can apply a diaper cream.
What Creams Do You Use at Home to Help with Diaper Rashes?
You can go online and search for diaper creams, but not all creams are the same. I did a little digging into some of the most popular brands.
1. Aquaphor
This is my family’s favorite brand. Our pediatrician suggested to put it over medicated diaper rash cream because it is thicker and stays on great. It is great to use to prevent diaper rash and is a good price.
2. A+D Zinc Oxide
This product can be used for more than just diaper rash. It can be used on skin and lips to prevent chafing and cracked skin. It does have a slight strong smell though.
3. The Honest Company Diaper Rash Cream
The Honest Company uses organic plant and mineral-derived ingredients. This hypoallergenic cream can be a little more expensive than its competitors but is a great option for those wanting organic ingredients.
4. Boudreaux's Butt Paste
This maximum strength butt cream will get rid of even the most stubborn diaper rash. This paste is great for creating a barrier between your baby’s bottom and the diaper. Sample a small amount first to make sure it isn’t too harsh for your child.
5. Desitin
Desitin is a favorite among many parents and pediatricians. My children both broke out from Desitin, but it is possible their skin is just too sensitive for it. It is found to both prevent and treat diaper rashes.
6. Triple Paste Diaper Rash Cream
This hypoallergenic medicated ointment is known for treating diaper rashes because of its 3 major ingredients lanolin, beeswax, and oat extract. The National Eczema Association also backs this Triple Paste cream.
7. Burt's Bees Diaper Rash Ointment
Many people are familiar with the popular Burt's Bees lip balm. This diaper cream uses natural ingredients and is known to not test on animals. The ingredients include shea butter, lavender oil and Jojoba Seed Oil.
8. Maty's All-Natural Multipurpose Baby Ointment
This multipurpose baby ointment contains jojoba and coconut oil and is a great all-natural diaper cream. It is one of the best all natural barrier creams and works great in the healing process of diaper rashes, cradle cap, and dry skin. This great rash cream is also free from fragrances and petroleum jelly.
Is There a Way to Apply Cream Without Using my Hands?
Sometimes your baby can move too much, or you don’t want to cover your hands in diaper cream because of your own sensitivity. It’s also a good idea to keep the tub of cream free from germs.
If you're looking for something other than a cotton swab or a cotton ball, Amazon sells a diaper rash cream applicator you can use to apply cream to your baby’s bottom.
Just dip the applicator in the cream, apply, and wash the applicator to use again later.
Grab yours below!
When to Call the Pediatrician?
If your baby’s rash is raw and bleeding or just not improving in a couple of days, reach out to your pediatrician for prescription medications.
My children tend to reach the point of needing medicated ointment because the rash can get severe suddenly.
Unfortunately, a rash can go from mild to severe very quickly. Let your pediatrician know so your child can be in the road to recovery quickly.
There is nothing worse than seeing your child in pain from a diaper rash.
Thankfully there are so many great preventative measures you can take and creams you can use to help with rash treatment.
Remember to always reach out to your child’s pediatrician or a health care professional if the diaper rash gets worse.
Are there any diaper rash remedies you like?
Do you have any preventative measures that really help?
Comment and share below!
